TC Energy strives to be a leader in the delivery of energy in a safe, 负责任和可持续的态度, ensuring we are positioned to maximize long-term value creation.
Being a leader also means listening to our stakeholders and communicating candidly about our performance and approach, 旨在提供全面的, decision-useful and material disclosure on our environmental, 社会与治理管理.
政策 & 的指导方针
- 防止贿赂及贪污政策
- 董事会多元化政策
- 企业风险管理政策
- 环境原则
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy
- 与土地所有人合作的指导原则
- 土著关系指导原则
- 无骚扰工作场所政策
- 土著关系政策
- 游说、政治献金 & 企业会员资料表
- Political Contributions and Activity Policy
- 个人信息保护政策
- 合理的工作场所住宿政策
- Rules and Guidelines for Contractors, Suppliers & 供应商
- Supplier Diversity and Local Participation Business Policy
- 工作场所武器政策
We encourage you to let us know how we're doing and how we can continue to improve. 请将问题或意见发送至 investor_relations@maephimpropertygroup.com.